Prime legal information
Referral Policy
By referring someone to Prime South Africa, you agree to the terms and conditions below.
1. Definitions
1.1 Referrer: You, the client with an active policy, who wants your friends and family to get a quote from us and who has accepted
these terms and the Privacy Policy.
1.2 Referee: The person you referred to us who is interested in our insurance and does not have an active quote from us in the last 30 days.
1.3 Us/We/Our: Prime South Africa.
2. Discounted Premium after Successful Referrals
- 2.1.1 Once your referee accepts an insurance policy with us and we successfully collect the full premium from their bank account, we will discount 50% from your next premium. If the referee’s premium is rejected or reversed within 15 days, you will not receive the discount.
- 2.1.2 Up to 2 of your premium payments can be discounted by 50% for such successful referrals.
- 2.1.3 The discount on your premium is subject to VAT, which will be charged once the discount is applied to your premium collection.
- 2.1.4 The discounted premium will not affect your cover as set out in your Policy Schedule.
- 2.2.1 If you are listed as a contact person, regular driver, or beneficiary on a policy held by our staff, any discount in your balance will not be allocated to that policy.
- 2.2.2 If your discounted premium is not collected due to insufficient funds or incorrect banking details, the discount will not apply to the resubmission of that premium.
- 2.2.3 If we find that you have committed fraud or miscommunicates any information, we reserve the right to cancel the agreement immediately, and any referral discount will not be payable.
3. General Rules
3.1 The FAIS Act prohibits anyone who is not an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP) or a mandated representative of an FSP from
giving financial advice or intermediary services.
3.2 Insurance law prohibits inducement, so you cannot offer incentives to referees to become Prime SA policyholders.
3.3 You must always follow these terms and conditions.
3.4 We are not liable for any illegal actions or misrepresentations made by you. You are not, as the referrer, authorised to act on our behalf.
3.5 The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) prohibits contacting persons who have requested not to be contacted. If the referee
is on our Do Not Contact (DNC) list, we will not contact them. Please ask your referee to contact Prime South Africa directly at
011 745 7800 and provide your policy number to link you as the referrer.
4. Amendment of Agreement
We may amend or add new terms and conditions for the referral service at any time. The amended agreement will replace all
previous versions.
5. Privacy and Rights Reserved
5.1 We respect your privacy. Any information obtained through the referral process is subject to our Privacy Policy.
5.2 By using the referral service, you agree to the Privacy Policy as set out online: Privacy Policy.
5.3 We are under no obligation to offer any insurance policy to the referee and reserve our right to decide at our sole discretion.