Prime legal information
Prime compliance policy
IMPORTANT: The content on this website is designed to be factual and general. It does not consider your personal, financial, or other specific circumstances, needs, objectives, or requirements. Therefore, it should not be interpreted as advice under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (‘FAIS’).
Prime Meridian Direct (PMD) t/a Prime South Africa (Pty) Ltd (“Prime”) is a company incorporated under the laws of South Africa with registration number: 2004/032998/07.
Prime is a category 1, registered Financial Services Provider (FSP41040) and is authorised to conduct services related to supplying short-term insurance (personal lines) products.
Complaints Policy
Prime is dedicated to offering top-notch professional and ethical service. Our complaints policy ensures that client complaints are handled fairly, efficiently, and effectively. This policy meets the requirements of the FAIS Act.
Want to lodge a Complaint? Submit your complaint in writing here.
Provide full details of the circumstances and events related to the complaint.
Include any relevant supporting documentation.
What you can expect from us:
Handling of complaints is managed by staff with the necessary expertise.
You will be updated on progress every 14 days.
We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 48 hours.
We investigate and notify you in writing of the outcome within 42 days. If further information or investigation is needed, we will agree on a reasonable timeframe, not exceeding 30 days.
If resolved in your favour, appropriate redress will be offered without delay.
If the outcome is unfavourable, full written reasons will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to correct any incorrect information. Requests for review will be handled as new complaints.
All complaints must be addressed directly to the Insurer and its Intermediary:
Products underwritten by Santam Structured Insurance Limited: Comprehensive, Customised and 3rd Party
FSP name: Santam Structured Insurance Limited FSP no: FSP1027
Postal address: PO Box 652659 Benmore 2010
Physical address: 7th Floor, Alice Lane Building 3 Corner Alice Lane and 5th Street Sandton 2196
Tel: +27 11 685 7600
For the attention of: Complaints Department
Administrator & non-Mandated Intermediary:
FSP name: Primary Asset Administrative Services (Pty) Ltd
Postal address: Postnet Suite 430 Private Bag X51 Bryanston JHB, 2021
Tel: 011 745 7820
For the attention of: Complaints Department
For rejected claims, contact the National Financial Ombud Scheme at
Telephone: 0860 800 900
Physical Address: 110 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate,
Johannesburg, 2198
For rejected claims, contact the FAIS Ombud on one of the following:
Telephone: 012 470 9080
Physical Address: 110 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate,
Johannesburg, 2198
Conflict of Interest Management Policy
Prime prioritises protecting client interests by managing conflicts of interest as required by the FAIS Act’s General Code of Conduct.
Potential conflicts are identified and managed through confidentiality barriers and appropriate disclosures. Conflicts may arise between Prime and clients, among clients, or involving associates or third parties. Prime manages conflicts by ensuring authorised commissions, avoiding incentives that compromise service quality, and implementing procedures and systems. These include training, confidentiality, monitoring, disclosure, and public availability of the policy. Prime may decline to act if conflicts cannot be managed.
Prime associates include:
Palaeo Financial Services.
PrimaryAsset Administrative Services.
PrimaryAsset Support Services.
PrimaryAsset Specialist Consulting.
No financial incentives are offered to representatives, and New Business Professionals may receive volume-based commissions. Prime distributes approved products and receives regulated statutory commissions. You can find more information on our conflict management policy here.