Day: June 13, 2022
Find out more about car insurance, read top tips, or simply enjoy
some interesting articles if you have some spare time.

- Helpful top tips, Interesting reading, Prime news
It’s certainly a most exciting experience to buy your first car. It takes care of having to catch the bus and always being dependent on
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Helpful top tips, Interesting reading, Prime news
You hear of cars being stolen day in and day out in South Africa, and every year it gets worse. Thieves work from stealing car
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Car Reviews, Interesting reading
The Honda Ballade in 2000 was just the average family car you would take on holiday. Two decades later, something has changed. Read on and
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 2 minutes read

- Car insurance basics, Helpful top tips, Interesting reading, Prime news
If this is the first time you will get your driving license, it may seem a bit overwhelming. But take heart. All you need to
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Helpful top tips, Interesting reading, Prime news
Perhaps some of you have suffered financially during the pandemic and need to sell your car. But when the best time is to sell your
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Car Reviews, Interesting reading
The new Stellantis Group’s model market thrust in 2021 resulted in the launch of the Citroen C3 Shine. This is their fifth new model entering
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Car Reviews, Interesting reading
In September 2020, the Toyota Starlet landed on South African shores to replace the Toyota Etios that had been in the market for many years.
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

- Interesting reading, Prime news
What is a car insurance broker? A broker acts as a ‘middleman’ between a customer and an insurer. He does all the hard work on
- Written by Kyle Swart
- Written by the Prime team
- 3 minutes read

Car insurance basics
New to car insurance? Explore this section for all you need to know.

Helpful top tips
Insider knowledge on how to save money, stay safe, and get the most out of your car.

Interesting reading
Like to know more about cars in general? Read reviews and insights to simplify your life.